Cardinal calls for rapid deportations

Clear words: The Cologne Cardinal, Rainer Woelki in favour of a rapid and consistent deportation of refugees from safe countries of origin, such as Albania.

"As a rule, Albanians who come to us cannot invoke the right of asylum in the Basic Law", Woelki said on Wednesday to the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger".

Return refugees consistently

The 59-year-old who currently is visiting Albania and Kosovo, therefore considers it right to send them back, "moreover consistently, so as not to stir up the hope for every individual, maybe that they as one of hundreds or thousands of newcomers can then just be allowed to stay".

Given a large number of poverty refugees, the right of asylum should be protected from abuse, demanded Woelki. "We cannot overcome the problem of poverty by trying to solve the problem of asylum."

What was needed was an immigration law, "which allows the people from countries such as Albania, legal entry and a perspective on life in Germany," said the Cardinal. The intention of the Federal Government is to declare Albania and Kosovo in future as "safe countries of origin". This would make it difficult for those immigrating from there to claim their fundamental right to asylum in Germany.

Proposals to reduce the allowance for refugees, Woelki called outlandish and spoke of attempts of politics, to conduct the refugee debate " on the backs of those affected".
Specifications in Germany apply for each refugee

The requirements of the Federal Constitutional Court are clear. "They apply to anyone who comes to us", underlined the Archbishop. One also cannot compare salaries and cost of living in a country like Albania with the German level. "Therefore, the idea is absurd, 'Poverty refugees' - a terrible word by the way! – wishing to put them in a worse position than asylum seekers or Hartz IV recipients ".

The Cardinal showed openness for a "national refugee pact" as part of a genuine welcoming culture. "We need to further pull together socially and thereby give ourselves economic challenges. Since all social groups are needed to be involved, why not in a national pact?" said Woelki. The churches would make our contribution.

Source (Original source no longer exists, new source on the same news story but with less content)
